Retail Bootcamp: Creative Ways to Save Money with an End Roll of Newspaper Print
Retail Bootcamp is a series that will teach you step-by-step basics to saving money on Retail for yourself, home, gifts, holidays, etc...
Here's a creative way to save money. Buy an End Roll from your local newspaper. And End Roll is the end of newspaper print. The Newspaper isn't able to use what little is left on a roll, so they will sell these rolls to the public. They usually cost between $2 - $5.
What can you use an End Roll for? And more importantly, how can it save you money? We've used them for crafts, banners/signs, painting, tablecloths, cleaning windows, wrapping paper, etc... This month, since we're moving, I'll be using my End Rolls for packing. I save money because the End Roll has a ton of paper on it at a very low price. That keeps me from having to spend extra money on name brand or generic products.
What can you use an End Roll for? And more importantly, how can it save you money? We've used them for crafts, banners/signs, painting, tablecloths, cleaning windows, wrapping paper, etc... This month, since we're moving, I'll be using my End Rolls for packing. I save money because the End Roll has a ton of paper on it at a very low price. That keeps me from having to spend extra money on name brand or generic products.
Call your local newspaper and ask them if they have any End Rolls for sale.
Check back every Thursday afternoon for our Retail Round Up, which is a huge list of printable mall and store coupons you'll need for your weekend shopping! BTW - Have you checked out our new "Retail 101" ebook?
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