Back to School Price Comparison for the Week of August 14th
Below are Back to School product price comparisons for the week of August 14th.
Below these deals, you'll find a list of manufacturer and/or store coupons to stack with the sale prices. (Remember, you can stack store coupons with manufacturer coupons). Don't forget, most office supply stores, as well as Target and Wal-Mart will Price Match.
Note: Not all Walgreen stores have a Store Loyalty program. Those deals may not be available in all areas.
Week of August 14th
Graphing Calculators
- Texas Instruments 84 Plus $95 - Wal-Mart
- Texas Instruments 84 Plus $109.99 through Wed - Office Depot
- Texas Instruments 84 Plus $109.99 - Staples
- Embark $9 - Target
- $4.88+ - Wal-Mart
- Kleenex $1.09 with card - Walgreens
- Scholastic 24 ct 25¢ - Office Depot
- Cra-Z-Art 24 ct 25¢ - Wal-Mart
- Penway 24 ct 29¢ w/card - Walgreens
- Crayola 24 ct 99¢ w/card - Walgreens
- RoseArt 10 ct $1 - Staples
- Crayola 24 ct $1.50 - Target
- Crayola 10 ct 97¢ - Wal-Mart
- Crayola 10 ct 99¢ w/card - Walgreens
- Crayola 8 ct $1.50 - Target
- Cra-Z-Art 8 ct 97¢ - Wal-Mart
- Crayola 12 ct 97¢ - Wal-Mart
- 4 ct $3.97 - Wal-Mart
- 8 ct Fine Point $3.99 - CVS
- 8 ct Markers $3.99 w/card - Walgreens
- 10 ct Markers $4.99 - Target
- Elmer's 4 oz 79¢ w/card - Walgreens
- Elmer's 4 oz $1.49 - CVS
- Avery 3 ct 50¢ - Staples
- Elmer's 2 ct 79¢ w/card - Walgreens
- Elmer's 3 ct $1.50 - Target
- Elmer's 6 ct $1.97 - Wal-Mart
- 1¢ - Office Depot
- 2 pocket 15¢ - Wal-Mart
- It's Academic 5" 49¢ w/card - Walgreens
- Schoolworks 5" 25¢ - Office Depot
- 12" Wooden 29¢ w/card - Walgreens
- 12" Plastic 1¢ - Office Depot
- Bic Clic Stic 5 ct 50¢ - Staples
- PaperMate 10 ct 2/$1 - CVS
- Bic Ultra 8 ct 99¢ w/card - Walgreens
- PaperMate 12 ct 97¢ - Wal-Mart
- Office Depot Brand 12 ct 25¢ - Office Depot
- USA Gold 10 ct $1.44 - Wal-Mart
- Bic 5 ct $1 - Staples
- PaperMate 20 ct $2.47 - Wal-Mart
- Bic Shimmer 26 ct $3.50 - Target
- Expo 6 ct 99¢ w/card - Walgreens
- Expo 4 ct $3 - Target
- Expo 4 ct $3.47 - Wal-Mart
- Bic Brite 5 ct 79¢ w/card - Walgreens
- Sharpie 4 ct $1.47 - Wal-Mart
- Bic B2G1 Free - Staples
- 25¢ - Office Depot
- 100 sheet 40¢ - Wal-Mart
- Mead/Penway 120 sheet $1.99 w/card - Walgreens
- 70 sheet 20¢ - Wal-Mart
- 70-80 sheet 3/$1 - CVS
- 60-70 sheet 49¢ w/card - Walgreens
- 1" Economy 92¢ - Wal-Mart
- 1" Avery $2 - Target
- 1/2" to 3" BOGO Free w/card - Walgreens
Filler Paper
- 120 sheet 1¢ through Wed w/$5 purchase - Staples
- 150 sheet 75¢ - Wal-Mart
- Penway 79¢ w/card - Walgreens
- Office Max - 20% off anything you can fit in their Brown Paper Bag from Sunday Paper
Other Coupons:
- $1 - $2 off various Post-it Products Exp 12/31
- $1 off Post-It Super Sticky Notes any purchase of $5 or more 8/14 SS Exp 9/18
- $2 off Post-It Label Product any purchase of $5 or more 8/14 SS Exp 9/18
- $2 off Post-It Note Dispenser any purchase of $5 or more 8/14 SS Exp 9/18
- $2 off Post-It Tab, Flag or Pocket Product any purchase of $5 or more 8/14 SS Exp 9/18
- $0.40 off three (3) KLEENEX On-the-Go Tissue Packs
- Bic Stationery Products $1 off 2 - 7/31 SS Exp 9/30
- $1 off any Scotch Pop Up Tape Dispenser Exp 9/30
- $1 off any Scotch Poster Tape Exp 9/30
- $1 off any Scotch Packaging Tape Exp 9/30
- $1 off any Scotch Thermal Laminating Pouches Exp 9/30
- $2 off any Scotch Easy-Grip Packaging Tape Dispenser Exp 9/30
- Target 75¢ off Post-It Flags or Tabs
- Target 50¢ off Scotch Magic Tape
- Target $1 off Papermate Writing Utensil item
- Target 50¢ off 12-ct. Elmer's school glue sticks
- Target 75¢ off Five Star moveable tabbed dividers notebook
- Target $1 off select Crayola Dry Erase items
- Target $1 off select Select Expo dry erase markers or Cleaner items
- Target 50¢ off Select 50-ct. Crayola items
- Target $1.50 off Mead cloth binder
- Pilot Pens $1 off
- $1 off Avery NoteTabs Or Avery PocketTabs Products Exp 7/31
- $1 off Scotch Restickable Strips or Tabs Exp 12/31
- $1 off Scotch Pop-Up Tape Dispenser Exp 12/31
- $1 off Scotch Ultra Edge Non-Stick Scissors Exp 12/31
- $1.50 off Scotch Poster Tape Exp 12/31
- 50¢ off any Mead vinyl binder Exp 9/10
- $1 off any Five Star Flex NoteBinder Exp 9/10
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